Hack the Coding Interview: Algorithm Practice

Hack the Coding Interview: Algorithm Practice


During this workshop, you’ll learn strategies to help you perform better in technical interviews. You’ll practice algorithms, ask and answer questions, and get more comfortable with technical interview challenges. You can get better at presenting strong solutions to code challenges and algorithm questions given to you in technical interviews with practice! Learn the difference between a good solution and a great solution. Pratice writing and explaining strong answers to difficult interview challenges. Technical interviews can be intense, which is why it’s so important to starting practicing early and get as much pratice as you can. Writing a good solution to the problem is only the beginning — technical interviewers are evaluating more than just your code. Learn how to impress them in multiple ways!

Version Beta Hackathon
NIT Bhopal (MANIT Bhopal), Madhya Pradesh

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Topic covered

  • Technical Interview Tips

  • Social Media and Images Click here.

Bhavin Jawade
CSE Ph.D. Candidate

My interests include Computer Vision, Location Based Services (LBS) and Application Development